Meghalaya’s Behdienkhlam Festival 2024: बेहदीनखलम.

Introduction of Behdienkhlam Festival

The Behdienkhlam Festival is one of the most vibrant and significant celebrations in Meghalaya, India. Held annually by the Pnar tribe of the Jaintia Hills, this festival is a magnificent display of cultural heritage, communal unity, and traditional rituals. As we look forward to the Behdienkhlam Festival 2024, it’s essential to delve into its history, significance, and the exciting events planned for this year.

Behdienkhlam Festival

Historical Background of Behdienkhlam Festival

Behdienkhlam, which translates to “chasing away the plague,” has ancient roots that trace back to the agrarian practices of the Pnar people. Historically, the festival was a plea to the gods to protect the community from diseases and ensure a bountiful harvest. Over the centuries, Behdienkhlam has evolved, incorporating various elements that reflect the rich cultural tapestry of the Jaintia tribe.

Cultural Significance of Behdienkhlam Festival

In Jaintia culture, Behdienkhlam holds profound symbolic meanings. It represents the community’s collective effort to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity. The festival is a testament to the Pnar people’s deep spiritual connection with nature and their ancestors. It also serves as a time for renewing social ties and reinforcing community solidarity.

Preparation for the Festival

Preparation for Behdienkhlam begins weeks in advance. The entire community gets involved, from elders to children. Traditional crafts are revived as people create elaborate bamboo structures and effigies to be used in various rituals. Homes are cleaned and decorated, and special prayers are conducted to invite the blessings of the gods.

Rituals and Practices of Behdienkhlam Festival

Behdienkhlam is marked by several key rituals. One of the most significant is the “knockings of the roof,” where young men climb onto roofs and beat them with bamboo sticks to drive away evil spirits.

Historical Background of Karkidaka Vavu Bali 2024

Main Events of Behdienkhlam Festival 2024

The Behdienkhlam Festival 2024 promises an exciting lineup of events. The festival spans three days, with each day featuring different activities. The highlights include the “pynsiñ shnong,” a ritual dance to purify the village, and the “do’ng blai,” the grand procession of decorated chariots. Detailed schedules and timings are shared with the community and tourists well in advance.

Dance and Music of Behdienkhlam Festival

Dance and music are integral to Behdienkhlam. Traditional dances like the “Laho dance” are performed, showcasing the tribe’s unique cultural expressions. Accompanied by traditional instruments such as drums and flutes, these performances are a captivating sight and sound, reflecting the joyous spirit of the festival.

Behdienkhlam and Tourism

In recent years, Behdienkhlam has attracted significant tourist attention. Visitors from across India and the world come to witness the unique cultural spectacle. The festival not only showcases the Jaintia heritage but also boosts local tourism, contributing to the economy of the region.

Stories and Legends

The Behdienkhlam Festival is steeped in mythology and folklore. Stories of gods and spirits passed down through generations, are retold during the festival. One popular legend speaks of the deity U Tre Kirod, who is believed to protect the people during Behdienkhlam. These tales add a mystical dimension to the celebrations, captivating the imagination of all who attend.

Comparison with Other Festivals

Behdienkhlam stands out even when compared to other Indian festivals. While festivals like Holi and Diwali are celebrated nationwide, Behdienkhlam remains unique to the Jaintia community. Its rituals, dances, and overall cultural expressions are distinct, highlighting the diversity within India’s vast cultural landscape.

Modern-Day Relevance

In contemporary times, Behdienkhlam continues to hold relevance. It serves as a reminder of the community’s rich heritage and the importance of unity in facing challenges. While some practices have modernized, the essence of the festival remains unchanged, reflecting a blend of tradition and modernity.

Environmental and Social Impact

Behdienkhlam is also noted for its environmental consciousness. The community engages in eco-friendly practices, such as using natural materials for decorations and minimizing waste. Socially, the festival strengthens community bonds, fosters a sense of belonging, and promotes collective well-being.


Behdienkhlam Festival 2024 is more than just a celebration; it is a profound expression of cultural identity and communal unity. As the Jaintia people prepare to chase away the plague and invite prosperity, the festival offers a unique opportunity to witness and partake in a vibrant tradition that has stood the test of time. Behdienkhlam is not just an event; it’s a cultural phenomenon that continues to inspire and bring people together.


What is the Behdienkhlam Festival?
Behdienkhlam is a traditional festival celebrated by the Pnar tribe in Meghalaya to ward off evil spirits and bring prosperity.

When is the Behdienkhlam Festival celebrated?
The festival is typically celebrated in July, following the sowing season, to ensure a good harvest.

What are the key rituals of Behdienkhlam?
Key rituals include the “knockings of the roof” and the immersion of a sacred log, symbolizing the removal of evil and disease.

How can tourists participate in Behdienkhlam?
Tourists are welcome to witness the rituals, enjoy the traditional dances, and partake in the festivities, enhancing their cultural experience.

Why is Behdienkhlam significant to the Jaintia community?
Behdienkhlam is significant as it reinforces community bonds, preserves cultural heritage, and invokes divine blessings for prosperity and protection.

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