Raksha Bandhan 2024: Date and Muhurat

Introduction of Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan, often referred to as Rakhi, is one of the most cherished festivals in the Hindu calendar. Celebrating the unbreakable bond between brothers and sisters, this festival is a day of love, care, and familial bonding. As we gear up for Raksha Bandhan 2024, let’s dive into the specifics of the date and Muhurat, ensuring you have all the information to make this day special.

Historical Background of Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan 2024

Raksha Bandhan has a rich tapestry of historical and mythological significance. The tradition dates back to ancient times, with legends like that of Lord Krishna and Draupadi from the Mahabharata, and Queen Karnavati and Emperor Humayun, exemplifying the sanctity of the Rakhi. Over centuries, the festival has evolved, adapting to contemporary customs while retaining its core values.

Significance of Raksha Bandhan

The essence of Raksha Bandhan lies in the Rakhi – a sacred thread tied by sisters on their brothers’ wrists. This thread symbolizes a promise of protection, loyalty, and the eternal bond between siblings. The cultural importance of this festival transcends generations, reinforcing family ties and celebrating the spirit of togetherness.

Read Ganesh Chaturthi, Vedas in Hinduism

બળેવ એટલે રક્ષાબંધન. શ્રાવણ સુદ પૂનમના દિવસે રક્ષાબંધન આવે છે. રક્ષાબંધન એટલે ભાઈ-બહેનનાં નિર્મળ પ્રેમનો અમૂલ્ય ઉત્સવ. આ દિવસે બહેન ભાઈને ઘેર જઈ, ભાઈને હાથે રાખડી બાંધે છે અને ભાઈના કલ્યાણ માટે ભગવાનને પ્રાર્થના કરે છે. તેના બદલામાં ભાઈ તેને યથાશક્તિ ભેટ આપે છે.

રક્ષાબંધનની ઘણી કથાઓ છે, તેમાં એક કથા આવી છે: દેવરાજ ઈન્દ્ર દાનવો સાથે બાર વર્ષ સુધી લડતાં લડતાં થાકી ગયો. આ વખતે બૃહસ્પતિનું આગમન થયું. તેમણે ઈન્દ્રને કહ્યું : “હે સુરેન્દ્ર ! હું તમારું છે તમારું મ મંગલ કરવા રક્ષાબંધન કરું છું. મારા આશીવદિ તમે દૈત્યોનો સરળતાથી નાશ કરી શકશો.” આમ કહી બૃહસ્પતિએ રક્ષા તૈયાર કરી આપી. આ રક્ષા ઇન્દ્રાણીએ દેવરાર્જનાં હાથ પર બાંધતાં, ઇન્દ્ર વિજેતા બન્યો. આમ પહેલાના વખતમાં યુદ્ધમાં જતા પતિ કે પુત્રને માતા કે બહેન રાખડી બાંધી તેમના વિજય માટે પ્રભુને પ્રાર્થના કરતાં હતાં. જ્યારે મહાભારતનું યુદ્ધ થયું ત્યારે કુંતામાતાએ અભિમન્યુને રાખડી બાંધી હતી. એ રાખડી જ્યાં સુધી અભિમન્યુના કાંડા પર સુરક્ષિત હતી, ત્યાં સુધી તે યુદ્ધમાં વિજય મેળવતો રહ્યો.

ચિતોડની રાણી જોધાબાઈએ પોતાની માતૃભૂમિના રક્ષણાર્થે મોગલ બાદશાહ હુમાયુને રાખડી મોકલી, તેને પોતાનો ભાઈ બનાવ્યો હતો. આમ રાખડીનો મહિમા ઘણાં વર્ષોથી ચાલ્યો આવે છે.

આ દિવસે બ્રાહ્મણો સવારે વહેલા ઊઠી નદીએ જઈ સ્નાન કરી, જૂની જનોઈ બદલીને નવી જનોઈ ધારણ કરે છે. જૂની જનોઈને તેઓ જળમાં પધરાવી દે છે.

બળેવને કેટલાક લોકો ‘નારિયેળી પૂનમ’ પણ કહે છે. આ દિવસે સાગરખેડુઓ સાગરમાં શ્રીફળ હોમી સાગરદેવનું પૂજન કરી પછી જ વહાણે ચડે છે.

આમ આ દિવસ બ્રાહ્મણો, ભાઈ, બહેનો તથા સાગર- ખેડુઓ માટે ખૂબ જ આનંદ-ઉત્સવનો દિવસ છે.

Raksha Bandhan 2024 Date

In 2024, Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on August 19th. This date holds special significance as it aligns with the auspicious month of Shravana in the Hindu lunar calendar. The festival’s timing ensures the rituals are performed under favorable celestial conditions, adding to its spiritual fervor.

Muhurat for Raksha Bandhan 2024

Muhurat refers to the auspicious periods for conducting rituals. For Raksha Bandhan 2024, the most auspicious Muhurat for tying the Rakhi is between 9:30 AM and 12:30 PM. Observing the Muhurat is believed to amplify the blessings and ensure the prosperity of both the giver and the receiver of the Rakhi.

Preparations for Raksha Bandhan

The excitement for Raksha Bandhan begins weeks in advance. Markets are abuzz with colorful Rakhis, gifts, and sweets. Families plan gatherings, ensuring that everyone comes together to celebrate. Sisters often prepare special dishes, while brothers look for the perfect gift to express their love and appreciation.

Traditional Celebrations

On the day of Raksha Bandhan, the rituals start with a prayer for the well-being of siblings. Sisters then tie the Rakhi on their brother’s wrists, apply tilak (a ceremonial mark) on their foreheads, and exchange sweets. Brothers, in return, give gifts and promise to protect their sisters. Over time, these customs have seen modern adaptations, but the essence remains unchanged.

Raksha Bandhan Recipes

No festival is complete without a feast. Traditional dishes like Kheer (rice pudding), Laddoos (sweet balls), and Puri (fried bread) are staples. In recent times, many have given these classics a modern twist, incorporating contemporary flavors while maintaining their traditional roots.

Gift Ideas for Raksha Bandhan 2024

Gifting is a crucial part of Raksha Bandhan. Traditional gifts include sweets, clothes, and jewelry. However, modern times have brought in personalized gifts like custom-made photo frames, gadgets, and experience gifts such as spa vouchers or adventure trips, catering to the diverse tastes of today’s generation.

Celebrating Raksha Bandhan in Different Countries

The spirit of Raksha Bandhan is not confined to India.

In the USA, Indian communities come together, organizing gatherings and cultural events to mark the occasion.

In Canada, the multicultural society sees Raksha Bandhan celebrated with great enthusiasm, often integrating Canadian traditions.

The UK witnesses similar celebrations, with families coming together and various community events.

In Australia, the day is celebrated with family picnics and community functions, reflecting the vibrant Indian diaspora.

Impact of Raksha Bandhan on Social Media

Social media has revolutionized how we celebrate festivals. On Raksha Bandhan, platforms are flooded with pictures, heartfelt messages, and videos, capturing the essence of the day. Trending hashtags like #RakshaBandhan2024 and #SiblingLove connect people worldwide, allowing them to share their joy and traditions.

Stories and Quotes about Raksha Bandhan

The festival is also a time for sharing stories and quotes that encapsulate the sibling bond. Legends from mythology, personal anecdotes, and inspirational quotes are shared to remind us of the profound love between brothers and sisters.

Safety Measures During Celebrations

In the wake of global health concerns, it’s essential to celebrate safely. This includes following health guidelines, ensuring proper hygiene, and possibly celebrating virtually if necessary. The focus should be on the spirit of the festival, even if physical gatherings are limited.

Environmental Consciousness

As we become more environmentally conscious, many are opting for eco-friendly Rakhis made of organic materials. Sustainable gifts and decorations are also gaining popularity, ensuring that our celebrations do not harm the environment.


Raksha Bandhan is a beautiful celebration of the bond between siblings. As we prepare for Raksha Bandhan 2024, let’s embrace the traditions, enjoy the festivities, and cherish the moments with our loved ones. Remember, the essence of the festival lies in the love and promises shared, making it a day to remember.


What is the significance of Raksha Bandhan?
Raksha Bandhan celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters, symbolized by the tying of a Rakhi. It signifies protection, love, and loyalty

When is Raksha Bandhan in 2024?
Raksha Bandhan will be celebrated on August 19th, 2024.

What is Muhurat and why is it important?
Muhurat refers to auspicious timings for performing rituals. Observing the Muhurat ensures the rituals are conducted under favorable conditions, believed to bring blessings and prosperity.

How can I make my Raksha Bandhan eco-friendly?
Opt for Rakhis made from organic materials, choose sustainable gifts, and minimize waste by using eco-friendly decorations.

What are some modern gift ideas for Raksha Bandhan?
Personalized gifts, gadgets, experience-based gifts like spa vouchers or adventure trips, and custom-made items are popular modern choices.

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